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Sunday, April 3, 2022

Dollhouse Miniature Cactus Cookie Jar


Watch the video here.

This week I decided to make another cookie jar to add to the collection, this time one in the shape of a cactus. I am pretty happy with how it turned out and I hope you like it also.

We start this cookie jar the same as always by making a base of card-stock to build the cookie jar on. This is easy to do with a strip of white card-stock cut ¾” by 4” and wrapped/glued around the barrel of a permanent marker like a Sharpie. Let this glue dry completely before moving on to the next step.


Once the glue dries we need to add a thin layer of white clay to the outside of the paper cylinder as well as a bottom to the cookie jar. This is held on with a coat of TLS (Translucent Liquid Sculpey) and baked for 10 minutes at the temperature recommended for your clay. I am using Original Sculpey for this. At the same time I also created a small plug shape of clay that I will build my lid on later.

Be sure to allow each step of the process to cool to room temperature before moving on to the next step.

Once cooled add a thin layer of green clay to the outside of your cookie jar using a layer of TLS to make sure it adheres. Also add a couple of branches to the sides with small pieces of clay. You can use any color of green clay you like for this, I noticed the real cactus cookie jars come in a variety of colors of green. Add some texture to the green layer, I went the simple route and just added some vertical lines to mine. Now make a half ball of the same green clay to work as the lid and add it to the little white plug piece you made from the white clay, use TLS for this step also. Bake for another 10 minutes.

Now using a tiny ball of a pale pink clay (or any color you wish) create a simple flower to add to the top of the lid. Use a tiny bit of TLS to act as your glue and bake for another 10 minutes.

Now all you need to do is add a very thin coat of Gloss Mod Podge and allow to dry and you have another cookie jar for the collection.

I would like to thank Plaid for the Brush and Mod Podge they provided so I could use it in making videos for all of you.

As always I do want to sincerely thank all of you for watching my videos and reading my blog posts. It means so much to me that you are supporting me in this way. If I could ask you all to do just a bit more by subscribing to the channel and liking the videos and leaving comments. Those help more than you can imagine. Also if you could pass the links on to your friends I would appreciate it so much.

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