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Saturday, April 30, 2022

Dollhouse Miniature Burritos and Quesadillas

Watch the video here.

First I want to apologize for being out of camera even more the last couple of videos. My tripod is giving me problems again and not staying where I tell it to. I am going to try to fix it (again) and hope it works for a while. I really need to get a new one soon.

As promised last week when we made the flour tortillas this week I am giving you a couple of ways to use some of them.

We start off with some really easy quesadillas. 


A little side note here, it looks like I owe you guys a Nacho tutorial I was certain I have filmed one a couple of years ago but I can't find it on the channel. So either it somehow got deleted, I did it as part of another video, or (more likely) I misremembered. So as soon as I can find the paint to use in them I will be making some nachos because we can't have the dolls living in a world without nachos.


 For the cheese I am using some polymer clay. I wanted a cheesy color so mix some Sweet Potato clay from Sculpey III with some yellow that was in my clay stash. I have no idea what the yellow was because that was the end of it and the packaging/label was long gone. Just mix the colors you have to get something that looks like cheese. Then roll the clay out and cut into a circle with a clay cutter (mine is ¾”) Cut this circle of clay into 8 wedges.

Then fold one of the tortillas in half and cut it into wedges. Keep the matching pairs of wedges together to make it easier on yourself. You will need to use 2 tortillas cut this way to use all 8 wedges of clay.

Apply a tiny bit of TLS (Translucent Liquid Sculpey) to the back side of one tortilla wedge and place it on a clay wedge. 






Turn this over and add the matching tortilla wedge to the other side using more TLS.







Use your finger to gently smoosh the quesadilla to give the cheese that melty look.. Repeat with as many as you need for your display.

Now onto the burritos. This time we are making whole burritos so the filling will be hidden. I tried a couple of ideas for making burritos that were sliced and I just wasn't happy with the result I was getting. We will re-visit burritos in the future so don't worry.

Since we won't see the filling I just used some clay out of my scrap clay bag. Remember how I tell you all the time to save those odds and ends of clay clay projects in a scrap clay bag. This is one of the reasons why. I didn't need to use “good” clay for this any old scrap of clay in any color will work just fine. Roll whatever clay you are using into a snake about the same diameter as a toothpick (about 1/16”) Cut this snake into pieces that will fit your tortillas. To determine that size fold the sides in on one of your tortillas just like you would if you were making a real burrito and use it as a guide. I cut mine around ½”.

Now fold the sides up on some tortillas and use some TLS to glue your little pieces of “filling” to them.

Now bake all both the quesadillas and the burritos for 10 minutes at the temperature your clay calls for and allow to cool.

Now the quesadillas are finished.

For the burritos we just need to roll them and use a bit of tacky glue to hold them closed. I found the small craft clamps from Dollar Tree to be perfect for holding these while the glue sets up.

And there you have some quesadillas and burritos to add to the doll family Mexican feast.

Here is a picture of all the items we made in the last month (or so) I think the dolls are going to enjoy a Fiesta for Cinco de Mayo!

Now as promised in the video a bit of a story about my filming time today. It had been pretty quiet around here all morning right up until I started filming. First right as I turned off the camera to mix that clay for the cheese I heard a garbage truck pull into the parking lot next door. Normally that just takes a few minutes and he is gone, not today. This time he was out there for 20 minutes banging around trying to get the dumpster dumped into his truck. Then when that finally got done one of my neighbors backed into someone's pickup truck right outside my window. (no one was hurt) Why as soon as I start filming does it get noisy??? Anyway I thought you all might enjoy hearing about what I had to work around today.

As always I do want to sincerely thank all of you for watching my videos and reading my blog posts. It means so much to me that you are supporting me in this way. If I could ask you all to do just a bit more by subscribing to the channel and liking the videos and leaving comments. Those help more than you can imagine. Also if you could pass the links on to your friends I would appreciate it so much.

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