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Monday, April 18, 2022

Let's Catch Up


I wanted to let everyone know what is going on the video schedule lately.

First off I was ill for a portion of the month of March, I'm fairly certain it was a mild case of Covid. At its worst I was mostly just exhausted and was still able to keep up with what I wanted to do for my minis channel. My 18” doll channel has been suffering the effects since I just didn't have the energy to get anything up over there for the last several weeks.

As I was recovering from being ill I started getting more migraines than is normal for me. A quick Google search confirmed what I was suspecting, this seems to be something that migraine sufferers are getting hit with. For whatever reason after Covid migraines seem to be much more common and seem to last longer than normal. I am finding the after Covid to be much worse than the time while I was ill with it.

Then to top off things over this last weekend I ran into some issues with my video editing software. I won't go into the details except to say that after spending a lot of time getting my Sunday video ready to render (the last step in the process) my software wouldn't allow me to proceed. I tried contacting the company but being a holiday weekend they didn't respond until Monday.

This was far from the first problem I have had with this software, although it was the worst. I have been using this software suite since shortly after I started my YouTube channel, over a decade at this point. I had been contemplating a change but really didn't want to learn a new program. And since I was using several programs it would not be just one program to learn, I was also using their photo editing and music editing software as well as a few other programs. This latest problem however was the last straw. I was already feeling like crud from another migraine and I really had wanted to get the video finished but that was not going to happen.

I do want to say I had strongly considered changing programs for a while. I just hadn't, mostly out of laziness. Now however I decided I was done. So first thing Sunday morning I deleted all the programs from this software suite from my computer and looked at my options.

After a lot of looking online and a text conversation with my youngest son/IT guy I picked new programs to use for all the things I was doing with the now deleted software.

So what does that mean for the channel. Well, I am going to spend this week learning how to run these new programs. I am about 8 hours into watching tutorials and practicing with my new video editing software, more time will be spent on that today. Then I will need to work on learning the new photo editor. The music editor can wait for a while since I only need that when I change music cuts.

I am planning to be back on schedule starting on Saturday (April 23) so no video tomorrow even though I have it mostly filmed.

Wish me luck with learning to use the programs and please be patient with any glitches in the next few videos as I learn this new and much more powerful program.

1 comment:

  1. First of all I wish you good health which is most important.
    Good luck with the new program!
    Thank you for all your tutorials, old and new. They are one of my great sources for crafting miniatures.
    Stay well!
