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Saturday, September 10, 2022

Dollhouse Miniature Spider Bread


Watch the video here.

This week for the Saturday Tutorial we are making a loaf of bread shaped like a spider for Halloween in the dollhouse. I wish I would have thought of making one of these in real life when my kids were little because I am sure they would have loved it.

We are using the same bread clay mixture that we have been using for the last few weeks- 4 parts white polymer clay with 1 part Fimo Sahara. You could also use the pumpernickel mixture from last week’s Tricolor Bread tutorial, I saw these loaves of bread in both varieties online.

After conditioning your clay make the following shapes to begin:

½” ball

¼” ball

snake of clay that is about the diameter of a toothpick that is cut into 8 pieces just a bit longer than ¼”.



Shape the ½” ball into the body of the spider, either round or oval. Once you are happy with the body shape add the smaller ball as a head.



Now use a tool like a small ball tool (dotting tool) to make 4 small holes along each side of the body piece. These will set up the placement of the legs making it both easier to get them lined up properly and to stay attached to the body a bit better. You can bend the legs in any direction you wish, kind of play around with them and find a design you like.



Once you are happy with you spider loaf it is time to chalk the clay to make it look baked. For this I am using the same three colors of artist chalk I normally use for this- a yellow ocher, a reddish brown, and a dark brown.


First coat most of the surface of the bread with the yellow ocher color. This is the lightest color and the one you will use the most of. Be sure to burnish in each color of chalk to make it adhere to the clay.



Now use a bit less of the reddish brown and burnish it mostly at the top of the bread. This goes where the majority of the browning of the bread happens. There are a lot of really good pictures of these breads online that show the browning really well so it will be easy to know the placement of the colors of chalk.


Lastly add just a tiny touch of the brown chalk. This will tone down that red tint in the last color but too much and it looks like the bread was burnt in the oven.






Next I used the same ball tool as before to add some eyes to the head of my spider. You could add small black balls of clay or beads to these areas if you wish.




At this point you could decide to cut a bowl area out of the bread body area for the dolls to serve some “dip” in. To do this place it in the freezer for about 15 minutes to firm the clay up then use a knife to form the opening. You use some clay mixed with liquid clay for the dip. Then bake as directed.

Now bake the loaf of bread at the temperature recommended for your clay brand for 15 minutes and allow to cool.

Now you have a wonderful centerpiece for the doll’s Halloween table.

As always I do want to sincerely thank all of you for watching my videos and reading my blog posts. It means so much to me that you are supporting me in this way. If I could ask you all to do just a bit more by subscribing to the channel and liking the videos and leaving comments. Those help more than you can imagine. Also if you could pass the links on to your friends I would appreciate it so much.

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