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Sunday, October 2, 2022

Dollhouse Miniature Rainbow Dresser


Watch the video here.

I have another Dollar Store Dollhouse Furniture flip for today’s tutorial. I love doing these they are so much fun and since the piece of furniture is so cheap I can get creative. This time I have one of the tall dressers. It just begged me to bring it home and do a rainbow paint job on it.


I will be honest I actually changed my mind on the final outcome multiple times during the painting of this. When I started I had a look in mind but by the end ii was a dramatically different look. In the beginning I was planning to do a paint blending technique on the drawers and I might pick up another dresser to do that some day. Then I saw a dresser online (real size) that had the drawers each a color of the rainbow and I decided to change direction and do that. Initially both of these choices were going to have silver drawer pulls. Then I say yet another dresser that had the pulls painted to match the drawers and I liked that a lot better so I shifted direction yet again.

The first step was to remove the drawer pulls, this is normally pretty easy just hit it with a heat gun then carefully use a twisting motion with a pair of pliers to remove them. This does have to be done quickly but it is easy to do. On most of these dressers anyway. Once in a while I get one that is stubborn. Even though in the end I put the pulls back on before painting I would still take them out since it is a lot easier to sand the piece with them out of the way. Also since one of my pulls was damaged I was able to put in where I wanted it to be to be less noticeable.

Do a really good job of sanding the dresser at this point. Mine had a lot of rough areas and I spent a good amount of time doing this step.

Since we are painting the pulls the same color as their drawers I would recommend adding them back at this point then proceeding with the painting. Since I didn’t decide to paint mine to match the drawers until later I added mine later. Whenever you add them back just use a tiny drop of thick tacky glue and allow to dry before going to the next step.

This is a good time to do any repairs you to do to your dresser. Mine was in good shape this time so none were needed but sometimes they can have damage.



Now give the entire dresser a coat of white craft paint. This will be finish color for the case part of the dresser and the base for the drawer colors. I used 2 or 3 coats of white craft paint. Allow to dry.






Now my insurance policy, a coat of mat Mod Podge. I am really glad I did this which you saw in the video, more about that in a second. Just gibe the white paint a light coat of the mat finish and allow to dry. This makes cleaning up mistakes so much easier.

Now for the mistake. Yes, I really did paint the drawer the wrong color. I didn't even notice until I was sitting on the couch an looked across the room at the dresser and realized the orange should have been the middle drawer. Since the paint was partly dry I grabbed a wet wipe and cleaned it up before I turned on the camera. I was so happy the paint wiped away almost completely. If not for the Mod Podge that would not have been the case. And yes, I could have just edited out my error but I wanted you all to see that
1) I do make mistakes and 2) they can be fixed.

Once I had the orange paint cleaned off I added the yellow to the drawer and let the first three colors dry. It did take multiple coats of each of the paint colors to get nice solid coverage. Jut work at it until you are happy.





Next up I painted the orange and purple drawers, adding as many coats at needed.





Once the orange was dry I was able to paint the green. This was the drawer I am most unhappy with, I don’t feel like the paint coated very well and I was messier with it. I was running out of time to get this video done so I am going to blame that.






Once all the drawer colors are dry go back in the the white and touch up any areas where you go messy. I find a dotting tool is much easier to use between the drawer fronts than a brush.




I also added a hint of silver paint to the bottom shaped edge of the dresser front base. Totally not a needed step just for fun.






Once all paint is dry and you are happy with your dresser add a light coat of Satin Mod Podge and allow to dry.





Here are all the paints I used in the project, all but the purple were provided by Plaid as were the Mod Podge and most of the brushes I used. 

As always I do want to sincerely thank all of you for watching my videos and reading my blog posts. It means so much to me that you are supporting me in this way. If I could ask you all to do just a bit more by subscribing to the channel and liking the videos and leaving comments. Those help more than you can imagine. Also if you could pass the links on to your friends I would appreciate it so much.

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