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Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Dollhouse Miniature Beach Themed Flag


Watch the video here.



For the garden flag to go with our beach theme this month I decided to go with one with a flip flop design. I mean can you really get anything that symbolizes summer and the beach more than a pair of flip flops? And they come in so many fun colors and designs that you can customize your flag to go with any color scheme you want.

Like always we are starting with a strip of plain white, 100% cotton fabric. I use bleached muslin for my flags, you should be able to find this fabric in any fabric store/department especially if they carry any fabrics geared to quilters. For our flag we need a strip that measures 1” by 3”.

The other item we will need to begin is some paper backed fusible web. This is basically a fabric glue that is heat activated and comes on a sheet of paper making it very easy to use. I prefer the Heat 'N Bond brand. There are other brands in stores and you can use whatever brand you can find. I do recommend you pick one that is designed to hold without sewing. Mine is labeled “Ultra-Hold” this way you won't need to worry about your flag coming apart later. You will need a 1” square of the paper-backed fusible web.

Follow the directions on your fusible web product to form your flag.


Now we can add the background color to our flag. Since I wanted the background to represent the sand of the beach I mixed up some tan paint similar to the color we used on our doormat last week.


While this was drying I made a very simple flip flop shape to use as a pattern for my flag. To do this I started with a 1” strip of card-stock. I drew a line so that I could keep my design fairly straight.


Then I lined up my drill gauge with the top edge and the line I had drawn and traced a ½” circle.






Then I moved down a lined up the 3/8” hole in my gauge with the line and the boom edge. And traced another circle.




I then connected the two circles with a slightly curved line along the line on my strip of card-stock and a curved line on the other side.






Then just cut out the resulting pattern and you have both a right and a left flip flop by just flipping it over.



Once the tan paint is dry use a pencil to trace around the flip flop pattern being sure to flip it over to make both a right and left sandal.


Then paint your flip flops with whatever color you desire. I used this pretty blue color. I did need 2 coats of paint to give a nice even color.






Once dry use cut around the bottom edge of the traced shape and then line the pattern up on the reverse side and trace and paint the flip flops on that side also.



Use a contrasting paint color to add the straps to the flip flops and allow to dry again. At this point you could decorate your flag in way you wish. You could add a design to the flip flops or add some word to the flag. I thin fun in the sun would look lovely on this one.

When all the paint is dry it is time to display your flag on your dollhouse or in the dollhouse garden.

As always a huge thank you to Plaid for the paints and brushes used in today’s video.

As always I do want to sincerely thank all of you for watching my videos and reading my blog posts. It means so much to me that you are supporting me in this way. If I could ask you all to do just a bit more by subscribing to the channel and liking the videos and leaving comments. Those help more than you can imagine. Also if you could pass the links on to your friends I would appreciate it so much.

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