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Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Dollhouse Miniature Bunny Butt Decoration


Watch the video here.

So this wasn't what I had planned to do for today's tutorial, I had something completely different in mind. Then as I was looking at something else online I came across a picture of one of the cute bunny butt decorations and I knew I had to add one to the front porch of the dollhouse. Since it is my goal to have all the Easter projects finished by the end of March I decided to switch gears and do this one really quickly today. These little guys are just so darn cute I couldn't resist.

While have made these several years ago it has been a long time so I did have to remember what I used to do. Then I had to dig for materials. Ideally I would have had a slightly smaller pompom for the body and tiny white one for the tail. However my huge bag of pompoms did not contain exactly what I needed. So I used what I have on hand.

First let's talk about the container to put our bunny into. I usually use a plant pot but I also didn't have one of those. I did have some wooden buckets that were about the correct size. You want something that is about 1” tall and ¾” in diameter.

I decided to use this pretty blue to paint my bucket with so it would coordinate with the other Easter decor we have made this year. This paint as well as all the other paints and brushes used today were provided by Plaid for use in making tutorials for you.

I then used my favorite silver paint to paint the straps on the bucket.

Once dry I tackled the bunny.

For the body a ½” to ¾” pompom would be ideal. I had that size in lots of bright colors but not a single white one in the bag. (I have gallon size zip-lock storage bag stuffed full of pompoms so you would think I would have whatever color/size I needed....) I did have a lot of 1” white ones so I made that work today. For the tail you need a tiny pompom (about ¼” in size) again I had lots of colors of them in that size but not a single white one. I decided to try painting one and it worked just fine. It is no longer fluffy and a white pompom would have definitely been better but this works just fine.the paint takes a long time to dry though so be prepared for that.

Since my larger pompom was too big to really fit into the top of my bucket I dug out some tiny rubber bands and wrapped one around one half of the larger pompom. This compressed that half enough that I could shove it into the bucket and get it glued in place. The rubber band won't show when you get it in place so it is fine.

Once the body is glued in place add the tail (make sure the paint is dry if you had to paint yours like I did)

I did let this glue set up a bit before I went to the next step since I didn't want to knock off the tail or accidentally pull the bunny out of the bucket.

The only thing left at this point was to add some back paws. I just used a standard hole punch to make two little paper rounds, I used some 140 weight water color paper but any heavy paper or poser board would work.

Glue the paws in place then using the handles of a couple of paint brushes add the little paw pads to the bottom of the paws using some pink paint.

And he is ready to join his bunny friends on the front porch of the dollhouse for the Easter season.

As always I do want to sincerely thank all of you for watching my videos and reading my blog posts. It means so much to me that you are supporting me in this way. If I could ask you all to do just a bit more by subscribing to the channel and liking the videos and leaving comments. Those help more than you can imagine. Also if you could pass the links on to your friends I would appreciate it so much.

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