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Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Dollhouse Miniature Unicorn Toy Makeover


Watch the video here.



This week while I was thinking about what to do for the Midweek Video I remembered that I had gotten some items in some blind bags a while back that I had set aside to do makeovers on. So I pulled out the container where they are and found this little unicorn. I immediately thought of a stuffed unicorn and decided to show how to do just that. Now this will work in any little plastic figurine, it doesn’t have to be the same as what I did. Look through your stash for any little figurine that you want to turn into a “stuffed” toy for the dollhouse kids.

Since the item we are working with is so small it is really important to add a “handle” to help hold onto it with. I like to use some of that stuff that is sold to hang posters up with to stick the item (in this case my unicorn) to a piece of craft stick. Once in place use some Isopropyl alcohol on a cotton pad or cotton ball to clean the surface. We want to clean off any oils or debris that might be on the surface that could cause the glue in the next step to not stick. It is really important to not touch this again with your fingers until after the flocking is on and set. Let the alcohol dry.

Next I added a coat of tacky glue to the surface of the unicorn, trying to stay off the horn. (I want to make the horn look like gold vinyl) Do your best to brush on an even coat and check for missed spots. Once you are happy with coverage cover the glue with some white flocking. I am using the brand Fun Flock because that is what I have. Any brand of white flocking with work. If you don’t have any it is normally sold with the card making supplies. I believe the people that do model cars also use something similar on upholstery to give a similar texture.


Once you feel you have given the glue time to dry carefully remove the excess flocking. I just start by gently shaking it off then use a soft brush to gently brush off the remaining excess. The key word here is gently. Look over your piece and check for areas that are not covered in flocking that should be. If you missed spots add a small drop of glue and add more flocking, allow to dry and brush off excess. Once you are happy let the figurine set out to completely dry. The glue tends to not dry all the way until you remove the excess fluff and let the air get to it.


Once the glue is completely dry it is time to add some paint. I first base coated the unicorn’s horn with some golden yellow color paint. Then I coated all the flocked area with a thin coat of white paint. Allow the paint to dry. I have found that the first coat of paint over the flocking takes a very long time to dry so be patient.

Once dry it is time to add some details back to our little stuffed animal. I started with some pink where the hooves were and then added some pink to his mane. I also added some light lavender and blue paints to his mane. If I had more time I would have probably done more details but for the videos I try my best to balance the details with the how long that would make the video. Let this paint dry.



Next I added some metallic gold paint the unicorn horn and some tiny eyes with a dot of black paint in the appropriate places.




I decided that I wanted both more shine and more depth to the eye so I carefully added a tiny dot of black nail polish over the black dot. Allow this to dry.




As always I do want to sincerely thank all of you for watching my videos and reading my blog posts. It means so much to me that you are supporting me in this way. If I could ask you all to do just a bit more by subscribing to the channel and liking the videos and leaving comments. Those help more than you can imagine. Also if you could pass the links on to your friends I would appreciate it so much.

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