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Sunday, August 20, 2023

Dollhouse Miniature BBQ Grill pt 4


Watch the video here.

Before moving to the new steps this week I do recommend going over your grill and touching up the paint. I find doing this throughout the project works best for me. Also to a fit check of the rack, it is possible that the layer of paint made the wood swell up a tiny bit so that it won’t fit. If this is the case just sand to make it fit and then touch up the paint. I used a black Sharpie marker for this part of the touch up since it is a small amount and the alcohol ink won’t cause the wood to swell up.

Now I want to take a moment to say I didn’t get as much done this week as I had hoped to. They started working on the roof to the building I live in on Monday (the day I filmed the last of the book reading gnome) and while they were making noise it was nothing compared to Tuesday and Wednesday. Those were the days they used a machine (not sure what it is called) that was parked directly outside my window to pull all the old roofing off the roof and into a truck. This was so loud it limited the amount of time I could film, the machine just running was reading 70dB on my sound gauge with peaks up to the mid 90dBs at times. This went on all Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning. Also I developed a sore throat starting on Monday that made talking difficult. So I didn’t get anywhere as much done on the grill as I had planned. I hope to finish it up next week and thank you for your patience.

Now onto the first step we are doing today, adding the side firebox to the grill. Be sure to line up the area where the paper strip overlaps to form the “door” of the firebox to be on the front like in my photo. Add glue to the end of the body of the grill and line up the firebox as shown. Try to have between 1/3 and ½ of the firebox extending below the side of the body of the grill. Allow this to dry completely.

Next up we are starting to create the shelf that will go on the opposite side of the grill. For this step I am using the same heavyweight card-stock we have been using (100lb) and cutting 3 rectangles that measure 1” by 1 ¼” and 3 more that measure 2” by ½”. In the video had 6 of the skinny rectangles but I found I only needed half of them. We are gluing these together in units of 3 matching pieces. When I was gluing I thought I might need to have a separate piece for each side of the grill but I was able to get both sides out of one so it is up to you. You can make all of them if you want to have extra in case you miss cut the bracket later though.


 Use a thick tacky glue and spread a thin layer to make the pieces, again note I made two sets of the long pieces but only needed to use one. Allow this glue to dry.





Now we can cut the longer piece into 2 pieces that are ¾” by the ½” side, then cut corner to corner to form a triangle. You will need a total of 4 triangles,, Glue the triangles together into 2 brackets lining up the edges as well as you can.






Clamp the brackets and set aside to dry.






Now using a scrap of medium weight card-stock draw lines ¼” from two adjoining sides to give placement lines for the shelf. Then using thick tacky glue glue the larger piece created heavy card-stock into the corner you just drew lining it up with the pencil lines. Weight this down to prevent warping and allow to dry.

Use a ruler and draw lines ¼” from the other two edges of the shelf to use as cutting lines. Then cut the shelf out with a ¼” of paper all the way around. Use the shelf and fold the medium card-stock up around the shelf to start to form the sides of the shelf. Now cut tabs at each end. 





Use the tabs to glue the medium card-stock around the shelf to form the sides of the shelf (just like gluing a box together) allow the glue to dry.



Check your shelf and bracket pieces and do any trimming needed.


Next we are going to glue the triangle shaped bracket pieces to the bottom of the shelf like this. Be sure to line the brackets up in the corner of the shelf so that it will fit onto the grill correctly. 







I do suggest clamping the pieces so that they really stick where you want them. Allow to dry.




Once the glue dries we can add the shelf to the end of the grill. I do suggest finding something you can set the grill on to hold it in position. The side firebox (if you added it) will not be stable enough to balance this on while it dries. I had a roll of packing tape on my table and it was a good size for the task. To add the shelf all you need to do is add glue to the back side of the shelf and brackets and line the shelf up on the end of the grill as shown. When you are happy with the placement allow it to dry completely.


Unfortunately this is as far as we are going to be able to get this week. So next week we should be able to finish the grill completely. I hope yo are enjoying the project so far. Remember if you one of the grills or any of my other tutorials be sure to send me a picture I love to see what you are making.

Also if you have ideas for things you want to learn how to make be sure to let me know. You never know I might pick your suggestion for the next project…..

As always I do want to sincerely thank all of you for watching my videos and reading my blog posts. It means so much to me that you are supporting me in this way. If I could ask you all to do just a bit more by subscribing to the channel and liking the videos and leaving comments. Those help more than you can imagine. Also if you could pass the links on to your friends I would appreciate it so much.

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