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Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Dollhouse Miniature Beach Gnome


Watch the video here.

I have another free pattern for you to download so you make the project. You can find the file here. In the download there are 3 files: a PDF for hand-cutting of the pieces, a PNG to use with your electronic cutting machine and a text file with handy hints and tips (and the sizing information) to use the PNG.

As with most of these projects I cut all the pieces from medium weight white card-stock, the kind used to make cards and such. This is way more economical than having to purchase a bunch of colors and in my experience the paint colors are a lot more stable than the paper colors. I rarely get noticeable fading with the painted projects.

You are free to use the pattern as many times as you wish and even to sell the finished project. But, please don’t give away or sell my patterns. I spend a lot of time creating them and the only compensation I get is from people watching the videos and checking out the blog post. I really want to keep offering these for free so please if someone else wants to make one send them to the video and blog so they can get their own copy of the pattern.

So this time we have the normal pieces for the gnome that if you have been following these projects you will be familiar with. The only extras are the round life preserver our little gnome friend is holding and the pieces to create his sunglasses. These pieces will need to be glued into “units” made of 3 pieces each with the exception of the back piece which has 4 pieces to add strength. Here are all the pieces as cut.

And here are all the units after being glued. I use a thick tacky glue because that is what works best for me. Do note that there are a couple of units that you make two of, and there are 6 of the pieces to create them. On my first gnome (off camera) my Cricut had a bit of an issue with the sunglasses frame and it only cut 2 of them successfully. I found that was fine so as long as you have one of the frame pieces you will be fine. I just make the standard 3 because that is what I normally do and if needed you would have enough to make it if you machine gets cranky.

Be sure to allow the glue to dry completely before moving on to the next step. I have found if the glue is at all damp the paper will stick to the tape that we put it on to hold it still for painting.

Speaking of that the next step is to place all the pieces onto some tape that is glued down to your work surface sticky side up. I like to group my pieces by paint color to make it easier to get everything painted correctly.

For the ring and the beard paint them white. Then I like to streak in just a bit of gray on the wet beard paint to make it look a bit less flat. Next we have the flesh colored pieces, the sunglasses and finally the hat and background/body piece. Allow the paint to dry.




Once the paint dries give the life preserver ring a coat of mat Mod Podge. This will seal the paint so that if any mistakes come in the painting of the red areas they will be easier to fix.







Once the Mod Podge dries we can add those iconic read stripes to the life preserver. I like to pencil in the areas first to make sure I have them spaced the way I like them. Them use some red paint to fill in the areas and allow to dry. If you get any red where you don’t want it use a cotton swab that has been dipped in water to clean up.





While the red paint dries we can do the first gluing step. We are going to assemble the glasses and add the beard to the back/body piece. Allow everything to dry.




Now we can add the hat and feet to our gnome friend. This is also a good time to paint the outside edge of the sunglasses and add the lines to create the flip-flops that our gnome friend is wearing to the beach. I used a tiny dotting tool for the lines. Allow everything to dry.





Once all the glue and paint has dried it is time for to glue everything else onto our gnome. This included his nose, sunglasses, the life preserver, and his hands. Allow the glue to dry completely.





Now a quick light coat of satin Mod Podge to give our gnome a finished look and to help seal everything together.






Next I added just a drop of clear nail polish the the lens area of the sunglasses. This gives just a bit more shine and sparkle.








Now he is ready to join our other beach items on the porch of the dollhouse.



As always I do want to sincerely thank all of you for watching my videos and reading my blog posts. It means so much to me that you are supporting me in this way. If I could ask you all to do just a bit more by subscribing to the channel and liking the videos and leaving comments. Those help more than you can imagine. Also if you could pass the links on to your friends I would appreciate it so much.

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