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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Dollhouse Miniature Big Basket


Watch the video here.

I have another free pattern for you to download so you make the project. You can find the file here. In the download there are 4 files: a PDF for hand-cutting of the pieces, 2 PNG files to use with your electronic cutting machine and a text file with handy hints and tips (and the sizing information) to use the PNG. Do be aware that Cricut has changed some of the steps to upload files, I will do my best to give correct instructions but I am not very familiar with the new process yet.

This time I decided to make the basket out of Kraft color card stock for a change. You can use whatever color you wish and you could paint your basket like we normally do these projects. Since I didn’t feel it would matter if the color faded a bit over time for a basket I went with the Kraft color.

You are free to use the pattern as many times as you wish and even to sell the finished project. But, please don’t give away or sell my patterns. I spend a lot of time creating them and the only compensation I get is from people watching the videos and checking out the blog post. I really want to keep offering these for free so please if someone else wants to make one send them to the video and blog so they can get their own copy of the pattern.

For this project I couldn’t get all the pattern onto one cut file and have it fit normal size paper. I think you can use both files if you cut from 12” by 12” paper but I am not sure. 




The first file we will use is the one labeled as the frame. These pattern pieces will give you the body of the basket. 




The other file is labeled as the weavers and it contains the strips that will be woven onto the frame to make the sides of the basket.

I gave you a few extra of all the strips and they are slightly longer than they need to be. That way even if you make a mistake or two you should be fine. You can also play with the spacing on your basket to make yours looser or tighter depending on how your doll family wants to use it.

There are only two parts to be glued together this time the rest (all the strips) are used as single layer pieces. The two basket bottom pieces will need to be glued the inner bottom has 2 layers and is slightly smaller. The outer bottom has 3 layers and is just a tad bigger than the inner bottom. Glue these parts and put a weight on them until they dry to help keep them flat.

Once the glue dries we can add the first part of the strips to the smaller inner bottom piece. Start with the 2 longest strips and glue them diagonally on the inner bottom. If you want a looser woven basket you could skip these pieces altogether. Then once they are lined up add the middle size strips from the frame page to the inner bottom right over the diagonal pieces. 




Then cover with a piece of wax paper or parchment paper add a small weight and allow the glue to get set up enough that the strips won’t move around.



Next glue the shorter pieces to the inner bottom.

The spacing is up to you. The way I spaced mine gives a fairly tightly woven basket but you could go tighter (I don’t recommend it but you could) spacing further apart will give a much looser woven basket.

Again cover and put a weight on the piece until the glue starts to set up.

Once all the strips for the “frame” of our basket are glued in place I like to stop and trim them to 1” past the inner bottom. We will be trimming more later but I like to have them trimmed up before I start weaving. For me it is easier to get everything the way I want it that way.

Now it is time to add the outer bottom piece to the basket frame. Glue it so that the strips are sandwiched in between the inner and outer bottom pieces. This will provide a neater look to the basket as well as making it much stronger and sturdier. Allow the glue to dry.

Once dry fold up all the strips to start forming the sides of the basket. Be sure that the smaller, inner bottom is on top at this point. Then pick a spot to start weaving. Dip one of the long “weaver” strips into a bit of glue and glue it to the back side of one of the frame pieces. Allow this glue to set up being sure to have it lined up at the very bottom of the basket side and going straight.

After this glue sets up begin weaving over and under the frame of the basket all the way around to where you started. Trim the weaving strip and glue it to the inside of the basket. On this first row I like to add some dots of glue t keep everything in place pretty much every time my weaving strip goes behind an upright frame piece. Once you reach the starting point trim and glue the end in place inside the basket.

Repeat this process until your basket is between ¾” and 1” tall.

Then give the frame a final trim and add another of the weaving strips as a trim piece around the top of the basket.

Once dry you could add another strip around the inside of the basket at the very top and /or one at the bottom of the basket if you feel it needs to be neater at the base.

Now your doll family has a wonderful sturdy basket to use around the dollhouse for so many things. I think mine is going on the front porch next to the bench. I need to look through my fabric stash and see if I have anything that would look like some blankets for the dolls to have in case they want to enjoy that bench and it gets chilly.

As always I do want to sincerely thank all of you for watching my videos and reading my blog posts. It means so much to me that you are supporting me in this way. If I could ask you all to do just a bit more by subscribing to the channel and liking the videos and leaving comments. Those help more than you can imagine. Also if you could pass the links on to your friends I would appreciate it so much.

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