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Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Dollhouse Miniature Front Door Knob


Watch the video here.


This is a project I should have done a long time ago. But since that didn’t happen and I have the door knob now I decided to show you how I am doing this today. (also this way I actually get the door knob installed before I loose it and have to buy another one…..)

The door knob set I purchased has a back plate with a key hole detail. I both love and hate this little detail. If handled properly I love the look of the extra detail even if it is a bit out of scale. However, I hate when the color of the door shows through the key hole. I am just as guilty of this as anyone. I can’t remember how many times I have put a door knob on the exterior door only to notice the paint showing a day later. So I started doing this little trick I show today and I love how it looks.

To fill the hole I cut a piece of paper, I used a scrap of card-stock that was on my work table from a recent Cricut project, and cut it to a size that will fit in the recess of the back plate of the door knob. It doesn’t have to be good fit just small enough to fit in all the way and big enough to cover the key hole.

Then I use a black pen, or paint, or whatever is handy and color one side of the paper.

Then use a glue, like e6000 to glue the paper in place to cover the key hole. Let this glue dry, overnight is probably best since we will be putting glue against it to attach it to the door.

To make the placement easier I cut what is basically a jig to help me line up the door knob. I first measured from the center of the door knob to the bottom of the back plate of it and found that to be about ½” since I want to glue this in place with the door knob at just around 3” from the porch floor I cut a piece of wood to 2 ½” long. In this case I used a piece of a craft-stick that was on my work table. That way when I place the stick with one end on the porch floor I can glue the door knob in place with the bottom of the back plate resting on the top end of the stick. Then I know my door knob is in the place I want it and I don’t have to try to get a ruler in the already cramped working area of the front porch. (yeah, this would have been soooooo much easier before I put the door in place)

Before we get out the glue do a dry fit of the knob to make sure where you are putting the knob. I also placed a heavy object (a brick that is wrapped in foil) behind the door so it would stay closed while I am working on it.



Now using a glue that will work with all the materials we are trying to glue together (metal, paper and wood) add some glue to the back of the door know plate and put it in place on the door. I do prefer a glue that dries clear for this. Depending on the glue you use you may need to hold the door knob in place for longer than I did. I found mine stayed in place with just a few moments of holding. Allow the glue to set up before moving touching it again,

The hardest part of this project was probably trying to figure out a way to get the camera set up in a safe way (where I wouldn’t knock it down) in a place where you guys could see what I was doing. So tape roll to the rescue, the camera with the tripod base fit perfectly on top of a bit roll of masking tape. Hey you use what you have, right??


Once the glue dried and I was able to move the dollhouse back in place and add the back the current seasonal décor I am very happy with how much better the door looks with the door knob in place. Oh, and you get a little sneak peek at Sunday’s tutorial here too…..



As always I do want to sincerely thank all of you for watching my videos and reading my blog posts. It means so much to me that you are supporting me in this way. If I could ask you all to do just a bit more by subscribing to the channel and liking the videos and leaving comments. Those help more than you can imagine. Also if you could pass the links on to your friends I would appreciate it so much.

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