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Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Dollhouse Miniature Another Ghost


Watch the video here.

I saw some similar ghosts in an ad for real size Halloween decorations and immediately thought they would be both adorable and super easy to make for the dollhouse.

I start by cutting a strip of white medium weight card-stock ¾” wide by 3” long. This is pre-rolled about a Sharpie type pen to give it a little bit of curve since we will also be using the pen as our form to build the ghost on. I then marked where the strip overlapped so I could glue the “streamers” from just the inside area of the ghost.

For the streamers I used some white embroidery floss, I like to have lots of colors on hand of the floss since is is very useful in mini-crafting. I cut about 10 to 12 pieces of floss that were 3” long. I had an empty small tablet for writing notes to myself and the back of it was 3” wide so I used that as a measure for the streamers.

Lay a bead of glue on the area before the mark on the card-stock strip (the part that was touching the marker) and add the floss pieces to make a fringe along the bottom edge.

I do like to add an additional bead of glue on top of the floss pieces just to make sure they are going to stay in place. I normally use my finger to pat this layer into the floss to really get it all stuck down. Now this will need to dry completely so that your ghost doesn’t stick to the pen in the next step. I let mine dry overnight so I was sure it was all the way dry.




Now we can add glue to the card-stock strip and roll it around the barrel of the marker. Try to get it rolled nice and tight and evenly. Then allow the glue to dry long enough to set up.

Once the glue has dried add the face to your ghost, I do try to make sure the seam in the card-stock is in the back and I almost always sketch out the face with a pencil first. That way I can decide on size and placement before it becomes permanent. Once I have a face sketched on I use the black permanent marker to add the face.

Next we need a way to hang the ghost up. For this I cut a piece of the same floss that was 4 ½” long. I glued both ends into the top of the ghost to form a hanger. Allow the glue on this to dry at least most of the way so that it doesn't shift in the process of hanging the ghost up.

On my dollhouse I added some eye-pins to the beam above the porch railing so it would be easy to hang things. So that is where these ghosts are going to be located.

I did try to film the process but there was no way to angle camera where I needed to and hang the ghost by myself. It was simple though I just put the end of the hanger through the eye-pin then the ghost through the hanger loop. This way the ghosts will stay in place until I am ready to take them down to store for next year.

And here we have the porch with at least some of the Halloween decorations in place. Be sure to check out the Halloween playlist on the channel for even more Halloween projects.

As always I do want to sincerely thank all of you for watching my videos and reading my blog posts. It means so much to me that you are supporting me in this way. If I could ask you all to do just a bit more by subscribing to the channel and liking the videos and leaving comments. Those help more than you can imagine. Also if you could pass the links on to your friends I would appreciate it so much.

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