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Sunday, April 21, 2024

Dollhouse Miniature Filled Planters


Watch the video here.

This week’s video is a short one I am afraid. I ran out of time to get it finished so I didn’t get around to filling all the plant pots that I had intended. I do plan to work on them off camera and I will share photos of them on the Facebook group. So keep an eye out for them over there.

I started the project by going through my bins of mini things I have on hand from previous videos. I found three pots we had made from polymer clay, the wooden one that hangs on the rail of the porch and two small plastic ones from blind bags. I also dug out a wooden plant pot that looks like a clay pot. I know I should have more plant pots on hand but I didn’t have time to look any more. I really need to organize my minis in the near future.

The first step was to fill all the pots with some foam. I picked up a block of foam from Dollar Tree to use this time. 




It is pretty easy to fill the pots, just cut the foam to fit in them and then use some glue to attach the foam. If you have a pot that is really lightweight and you are worried about it tipping over once filled add some weight to the bottom under the foam. You could use a metal washer or something similar. The glue holding the foam needs to dry before the next step.



Once the glue dries paint the top of the foam with any dark brown acrylic paint. This will help it to blend into our “dirt” that will be on top of it. This paint does need to dry completely before we move to the next step.


Now we get to add both the soil and the plants to each pot. I am using my normal dried coffee grounds for the soil part. We have done this many times on tutorials so I am not giving all the details on it this time. It is really important that you work on one pot at a time. What I mean is add a layer of glue, add the “soil” then add the plants to that pot. If you let the glue dry it will be very difficult to get the stems to go into the foam under the layer of glue.

You can use any combinations of greenery and plants In your pots that you wish. Just take small clippings off the stems and play with them.

I am using the floral stems that I showed in the recent Dollar Tree Floral Haul on the channel. I did purchase one more stem, this “onion grass” stem that looks like long thin leaves. I thought it would be a nice one to have on hand to add to pots of plants as well as other projects around the dollhouse.

I find it does usually help to have a pair of tweezers to help to hold the tiny stems of the pieces I am adding to the foam. Also have a toothpick handy to make some small holes to insert the stems into. I also like to dip the stems in some extra glue just to help them stay in place.

Once the glue holding everything together you can do any additional trimming to make the plants just the way you want them.

As always I do want to sincerely thank all of you for watching my videos and reading my blog posts. It means so much to me that you are supporting me in this way. If I could ask you all to do just a bit more by subscribing to the channel and liking the videos and leaving comments. Those help more than you can imagine. Also if you could pass the links on to your friends I would appreciate it so much.

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