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Sunday, March 14, 2021

Building the Beachside Bungalow part 06


Watch the video here.



This week's video did not go as I had planned at all. I had a list in my mind of what I was going to do this week and most of it is not in here. I bet we all have those weeks though.

I start the video off with a mini haul of a couple of things. I am so glad I picked up the Dollar Tree table cloths. I can cut them in half so I get two out of each. They are very thin but they offer some protection for my table from the work I am doing on the doll house. I also got a roll of kraft paper to use on top of the plastic table cloth to work directly on. I wish I would have thought of this a long time ago. So much easier for clean up and it gives a good work surface that my colors show up well on. I hope it works well for the video.

I went to Lowe's to pick up my paint. I knew I was going to get the sample size containers of the paint, they are perfect for our dollhouses. Since they are the same paint the store sells for real size houses it is excellent quality. I know that Home Depot also has these (at least they did last time I looked) I am not sure about other stores.

I went to the store planning to get a container of white for the trim and 1 of gray for the body of the house. The white was easy and the one I went with is called Winter Dawn. Then I ran into problems I couldn't choose a gray. I found 2 that were really close to what I wanted and they were on the same paint chip card so they are closely related. One is called Voyage, it is a bit lighter than what I was hoping for. The other color is Drizzling Mist, a bit darker than I wanted but again really close.

The white paint went on really well and I am very happy with it. It gave excellent coverage even with the thin coats I was using. I love how crisp it looks.

Then I moved on to the body color. That was where things didn't go as planned. First I found that the roller I have been using wasn't working very well with the thicker paint. It was going on way too thick. I dug out brush and did the rest of the application. I knew as I was putting the paint on the dollhouse I just wasn't happy. I know paint tends to dry darker but this was going on really light. I had more than a few moments of panic. I even posted on the Facebook page about it. The next morning it was better but just not right. I was going to just go with it. I decided to do a bit of sanding since the walls were a bit rough for my liking and then I was going to give it another coat of the paint.

As for the sanding I find the best way to sand the siding is to wrap a bit of sandpaper around a large craft stick or something similar and use that to sand each and every layer of the siding. It really doesn't take too much time once you get started.

Then I got ready to paint. I took another look at both the paint and the two craft sticks I had sampled the paint on. Then I made the decision to combine the two paint colors. I had used about half the container of the light color on the first coat. I added some of the darker color and stirred it a checked the color until I was happy with it. In the end the container was about ¾ full so I would guess I used 1 part of the dark to 2 parts of the light color.

I am so much more happy with the color of the house now. I am still going to make the foundation color a bit lighter than I had originally planned but this is much closer to what I had pictured for the color.

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