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Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Changes Coming


I have some changes planned for the blog/YouTube Channel/ Facebook page starting in April. I am really excited about them and I hope all of you will be also.

First off I am going to add a new set of videos that will be on Tuesdays and I am going to call them “Tuesday Tidbits” these are going to be shorter (most of them will be shorter...) videos. My aim is to try for about 5 to 10 minutes but some will be longer and some shorter.

There will be a variety of topics, which I will try to keep as balanced as possible. Some of the types that are currently planned are: short tool tip videos, Q&A videos, hauls, reviews, dollhouse furniture flips, trash to treasure, and short tool tutorials. If you have any suggestions for other things to include be sure to let me know.

I do need you all to ask questions for the Q&A videos, I will save them up until I have enough to fill about a 10 minute video.

The other change that I hope you guys will find fun is I am going to try to do what I am going refer to as “Throwback Thursdays” for those there won't be any new videos but I will do a highlight post on the Facebook page about one of the videos that already exists on my channel. I know that with over 400 videos on the channel I can't remember what all I have. So I am going do a short post every Thursday starting in April where I will highlight one of the older videos and give the link to it. I know that some of you have been with me since the beginning but I bet you have forgotten about some of those earlier videos. And for the newbies, this will be a chance to see some of the older videos without getting too overwhelmed.

Anyway that's about it for today. I hope that you all enjoy these changes and will give me suggestions for things you'd like to see.


  1. I love your video tutorial and am looking forward to watch your new and old ones. I've already learned lots of miniature crafting technics from you, for which I'm very grateful.
    Thank you so much for sharing your incredible talent with us.
    Hugs, Drora

  2. Sounds good! Do appreciate your videos. :)
