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Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Dollhouse Miniature Trash to Treasure Coffee Table


Watch the video here.

I had so much fun with the Trash to Treasure project last week that I decided to do another one today. This time I have a lid from a bottle of orange juice and a thread spool. I loved the design of the lid and it kind of reminded me of some of the fancy stone/concrete tables I have been seeing in yard decorating photos. Since I had the empty spool on hand I decided to combine the two to make a coffee table.

The first step was to cover the word Tropicana on the top of the lid. I first thought of filling it with some spackle but I found that wouldn’t stick to the plastic. So I decided to add a layer of white card-stock. This is a scrap from making the Cricut projects on the channel.




Since I was going to coat the plastic with some Mat Mod Podge anyway I used that to glue the card-stock on. It kind of worked. It helped just fine for the most part but lifted on one side. So off-camera I used some Tacky glue to glue that side down.

Now the fun part to transform the plastic pieces to stone/concrete. For this I mixed some gray paint with some baking soda to thicken the paint. This does a couple of things first it gives the finished piece the texture I was after. It also makes the paint stick much better to the plastic. Put on a rather thick coat of the thickened paint and allow to dry completely. This will take a while so be patient.


Once the paint was dry I glued the spool inside the lid to make the table leg. I was planning to use some e6000 but my tube was dried out so I grabbed a tube of construction adhesive I have on hand and used that. You will need a glue of some kind that is made to work with non-porous surfaces. Allow to dry.



Next I took some the same color of gray paint along with some black and white and used a make-up sponge to dab the paint all over the surface of the table. This makes the table look a lot more realistic. Allow to dry.







Now you have a fun outdoor table for your next miniature scene.



As always I do want to sincerely thank all of you for watching my videos and reading my blog posts. It means so much to me that you are supporting me in this way. If I could ask you all to do just a bit more by subscribing to the channel and liking the videos and leaving comments. Those help more than you can imagine. Also if you could pass the links on to your friends I would appreciate it so much.


  1. I knew I was saving those for a reason. Thanks!

  2. I have been saving one too! Thanks for the post
